Easy Steps to Baby Soft Skin with Strawberry Rhubarb
Having that smooth skin you desire is easy with the Eminence Strawberry Rhubarb Masque, Serum and Dermafoliant line. No matter what your age or skin condition, you can keep your skin so soft anytime of the year and free from dryness and dullness.
Hormonal changes, sun exposure and insufficient nutrition contribute to your skin problems as much as anything else. Skin care products containing chemicals and synthetic additives also cause unwanted cracked or dull skin. With organic products, you avoid harsh ingredients or soaps that dehydrate your skin, triggering the aging signs of lines, wrinkles and dry skin. You won’t believe how easy it is to achieve and maintain soft, smooth skin.
Strawberry Rhubarb Masque for Soft, Dewy Look
Use organic skin care cleansers and moisturizers that help soften and peel off dead skin tissue, so your skin regenerates naturally. Natural skin care also feels lightweight because it doesn’t have all those unnecessary ingredients. Before using a moisturizer, try replenishing and rehydrating your skin with Strawberry Rhubarb Hyaluronic Serum. It works on all types, but is especially effective for dehydrated skin. Use the rice-based Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant every day for softness all day long. These products provide fabulous results as part of the Eminence Strawberry Rhubarb line. And they complement your application of Strawberry Rhubarb Masque for a soft, dewy look and smooth skin. Meanwhile, don’t forget about a nutritious diet. The food you eat plays a special role in keeping your skin smooth and soft. An unhealthy diet is just as likely to cause breakouts and irritations to your skin as applying cosmetics with added chemicals. Go organic at the table whenever you can. Fill your plate with plenty of vegetables and fruits at mealtime. Eat healthy omega-3 fish, such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, at least twice a week or more. Heart-healthy fish improves your circulation for a healthy skin glow! Choose fat-free or low-fat foods and dairy products. Keep your skin tissues balanced with healthy eating habits and skin care.
Firm, Lifting Effects of Strawberry Rhubarb Masque
Finish it off with the plump, firm and lifting effects of Strawberry Rhubarb Masque with hyaluronic acid for natural smoothness that hydrates while combating lines and wrinkles. Strawberry helps remove impurities from your skin with gentle exfoliation. Rhubarb disinfects and heals any skin imperfections. You’ll discover the masque produces skin as soft as a baby’s with incredible smoothness to your cheeks you didn’t think possible. And wait for the comments! Your friends and relatives will notice the difference from your youthful glow. The restoring ingredients in Strawberry Rhubarb Masque penetrate deeply into your skin for a refreshed look and soft, smooth skin.
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