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Top 10 Skin Care Tips to Fight Winter Dryness

by JJ Follano 22 Nov 2013 0 Comments

Winter dryness can sap the natural moisture out of your skin. This not only causes overly dry or cracked skin, but also adds to skin cell damage. Luckily, this is also a time you can rejuvenate your skin for a magnificent, brighter appearance. Here are 10 ways you can improve your skin during the winter months.

1. Get advice from an esthetician, who can pinpoint potential trouble and remedies for your particular skin type. Estheticians are trained extensively in facial and body care as well as therapeutic techniques to liven and improve your skin.

2. Use lightweight moisturizers with essential oils for a protective layer on your skin. Organic skin care products that contain non-clogging ingredients keep your skin hydrated while maintaining clear skin. Caramel Latte Tinted Moisturizer features jojoba and corn germ oils to enrich, support and hydrate your skin with natural absorption. The tinted moisturizer is also powered with SPF 25 sun protection.

Sun Protection from Winter Dryness

Eminence tinted moisturizer reviews, Vanilla latte tinted moisturizer, cocoa latte tinted moisturizer, Eminence organic skin care, caramel latte tinted moisturizer3. That’s right, you still need sunscreen while protecting your skin from winter dryness. You might not notice the warmth of the sun, but that means the winter sun can cause more skin damage with exposure. Eminence skin care products have a variety of selections of antioxidant-rich ingredients and sunscreen protection.

4. Don’t forget to exfoliate to rid your skin of dried tissue and dead skin cells from cold dryness. Don’t over-exfoliate, but develop a routine that works with your own skin. Stick to the routine when you see how new, healthier skin brings a fabulous glow to your appearance.

5. Take warm showers, not hot showers. A nice, steaming hot bath or shower sounds nice when cold weather hits. But bathing too long in a hot bath online casino's or staying under a hot shower can break down essential barriers in your skin to lose moisture.

6. Keep a humidifier handy in your home. Winter causes a lack of moisture in the air, which results in dry, flaky or cracked skin when you stay in the house to keep warm. A humidifier enhances moisture absorption to protect your skin.

Reduce Winter Dryness with Water and Juice

7. Drink plenty of water and fruit juice to hydrate your skin and body. Nice hot chocolate or coffee seems to hit the spot on a cold evening, but natural liquids prevent or reduce winter dryness. Combine natural fruit juices with the fruit extracts in organic skin care for a healthy combination!

8. Take advantage of moisturizers even if you have oily skin. Cold weather still robs your skin of essential oils that build healthy skin tissue. Eminence Organic skin care cleansers and moisturizers have non-clogging ingredients from nature to eliminate excess oils while maintaining essential oils.

9. Avoid drying and cracking of the skin on your hands and feet by wearing cotton socks and gloves whenever you venture outside. This protects you from chilling conditions that bring unwanted itchiness, chapping and flaking of your skin.

10. Stay active to maintain adequate blood circulation for healthy skin. Sometimes it’s easy to avoid the cold altogether and stay inside. This is a good time to stay busy with that housework you wanted to catch up on. Or you can start a new exercise routine at home to protect your skin from winter dryness.

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