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Reduce Wrinkles, Enhance Your Appearance with Organic Magic

by JJ Follano 28 Feb 2014 0 Comments
Reduce Wrinkles, Enhance Your Appearance with Organic Magic
Miraculous ingredients in organic skin care can reduce wrinkles. Research even backs it up. Use these natural substances along with stress-free measures in your daily life for magical-like, anti-aging rewards. Studies have confirmed that substances, such as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and alpha lipoic acid, which are used in many Eminence products, provide youth-giving powers for healthy skin. CoQ10 fights free radicals that destroy cells in your body and cause skin damage. Free radicals are responsible for the creation of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. CoQ10 not only prevents, but it also reverses skin damage caused by free radicals with its antioxidants. CoQ10 rebuilds the collagen levels and elasticity you lose with age to obtain youthful skin!

Vitamins Reduce Wrinkles and Protect Skin

Eminence Rich Black Perlette Grape Moisturizer, anti-wrinkle, antioxidant, grape peel, vitamin eAlpha lipoic acid also combats free radicals and has been recognized by researchers as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It absorbs quickly into the skin to reduce swelling, puffiness and wrinkles. The natural acid eliminates redness and discolored patches. It helps in the regulation of cells to improve blood circulation for the skin. You get a vibrant appearance and glow in your complexion from these effects. Vitamins C and E also contain plenty of antioxidants. Research at Tulane University revealed that vitamin C used in topical applications can reduce wrinkles, increase collagen levels and protect your skin from sun damage. Naturally, you can join in the fight against wrinkles by limiting your sun exposure, a major cause of wrinkles. Overexposure to the sun has more of a wrinkle effect than heredity, according to research. Wearing sunscreen can help, too, and that’s where the sun protective substances in Eminence organic skin care come in handy. Eminence has a variety of products that are easily applied whenever you decide to go out into the sun. And the all-natural ingredients in organic skin care include elements that prevent and reverse sun damage. Don’t forget to put on sunglasses when outside. This prevents squinting, a major contributor to lines and wrinkles over time.

Moisturize to Reduce Wrinkles and Lines

Now comes the time for a simple moisturizer, which reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles while preventing skin aging. What better way to do that than with Rich Black Perlette Grape Moisturizer with anti-wrinkle and antioxidant powers! You get CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and A along with other nutrients to reduce wrinkles. Grape juice, grape peel and corn germ oil include the antioxidants and vitamins to fight free radicals. The Biocomplex formula features CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid and vitamins for an antioxidant booster.

Reduce Wrinkles with Healthy Eating and Sleep

Last, but not least, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. Fresh fruits and vegetables have the necessary vitamins and nutrients to fight free radicals and avoid skin damage. Eat plenty of fish. Fish with omega-3 fatty acids – tuna, mackerel and salmon – are not only heart healthy, but also nourish your skin for plumpness and reducing wrinkles. Get enough sleep to prevent the breakdown of hormones that harm your skin cells. While you’re at it, sleep on your back. Sometimes, if you sleep at certain angles, it could cause lines and wrinkles to form. Sleeping on your side, for example, might encourage line formation on your cheeks. Focus on using skin care and a healthy lifestyle to reduce wrinkles
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