Pumpkin Power for Amazing Skin and Health Benefits
The changing seasons emphasize the healing abilities of pumpkin power. Yes, the season of the Great Pumpkin is about to begin. The bright, orange-skinned fruit brings joy to the harvest and your skin. The smoothing and soothing health benefits from pumpkin come from its many enzymes within the seeds and ingredients. These enzymes go to work to increase the regenerative abilities of your skin cells. Pumpkin also contains alpha hydroxy acids to help brighten your skin this time of the year. Antioxidants from the vitamins in pumpkin help prevent skin damage and signs of aging. Vitamin A is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants to maintain the strength and firmness of your skin. Then there’s the pumpkin-powered vitamin C that improves your skin with antioxidants and collagen build-up. Vitamin C helps increase the collagen levels of your skin just when your body starts to lose that ability.
Avoid Blemishes and Breakouts Through Pumpkin Power
Along with vitamin C, the vitamin E content in pumpkins protects your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, avoiding the dryness, spots, lines, wrinkles and dangers of too much sun exposure.
Vitamin E also provides your skin with a barrier to maintain essential oils while preventing excess oils. The natural barrier helps people with oily skin avoid blemishes and breakouts with pumpkin power. Helping vitamin E is the zinc in pumpkin seeds that also work to control the hormone and oil production that heals the skin of those with oily skin. Pumpkin also provides the benefits from minerals and nutrients such as potassium, calcium, thiamin, folates and niacin for healthy skin and protection. The fruit also contains a healthy dose of the B-complex vitamins. Add to that the disease-fighting flavonoids and carotenes to help build vitamin A in your skin and body.
But here’s more good news from the great pumpkin. It has a complex but intense molecular structure that works to penetrate deeper casino pa natet and faster into your skin layers. This helps to reverse aging skin, dull complexions and skin imperfections almost immediately! That’s what beauty technicians have discovered and why pumpkin has played a bigger role in the contents of skin care products. Eminence organic skin care carries the advantage of using all-natural ingredients in its products, making pumpkin even more valuable for your skin. For moisturizing, spot treatment or protection from damage, the ingredients of pumpkin hydrate and firm your skin through a variety of skin care products.
Wonderful Glow, Appearance with Pumpkin Power
You can find varieties of pumpkin power through Eminence. Most skin types benefit from the Yam & Pumpkin Enzyme Peel 5%. The pumpkin pulp puree in the refining peel contains all those enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants to reverse any aging signs. You also benefit from such natural sources as yam pulp puree, pineapple, papaya and green tea extract, all powering your skin with vitamins and antioxidants for a fabulous appearance! Or take advantage of the Pumpkin Latte Hydration Masque for revitalizing and support of normal, dry, dehydrated or devitalized skin. The masque returns balance to your skin for a wonderful glow and appearance with pumpkin power!
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