Make Sure You Don't Screw Up Your Skin This Halloween!
31 Oct 2016
Getting ready for your Halloween festivities? Thanks to The Walking Dead craze, everyone will be dressing up and painting their faces to resemble zombies. But what about the after-effects? What does all that oily makeup really do to your skin and what steps can you take to prevent damage? Let's head on over to the drawing board and examine rule number one, you should never purchase Halloween makeup products at the Halloween store. Why? Believe it or not, there is a reason that those palettes only cost $10.00 - and it's not because of a special "Halloween discount." Even though those products are supposed to be guaranteed hypoallergenic, they are not guaranteed to be noncomedogenic and there is no doubt that your skin will pay the price for it.
The palettes purchased at the Halloween store contain makeup that is much more cost-effective to manufacture. But, cost-effective does not mean better for your skin. This makeup is often extremely thick, oily, and shown to clog your pores. Use of this inexpensive makeup can lead to painful blemishes and breakouts over the next few days. Is it really worth saving a couple of bucks? Rather than waste your money on cheap palettes, invest in decent theater or professional makeup that will last. The company M.A.C. specializes in highly pigmented theater makeup that is perfect for Halloween. They carry a complete line available for purchase both in stores and online.
Estheticians and dermatologists have also recommend taking the time to prime your skin before any makeup application. Using a professional-grade barrier cream is an excellent idea! These creams are intended to create a "seal" on the skin's surface that prevents any products applied after from being absorbed into the skin. If you have chosen a costume that requires you to paint your entire face, these creams are great for preventing embarrassing staining of the skin the next day. Unfortunately, you won't be able to find these creams over the counter at your nearest Walgreens or CVS. Since they are considered to be professional-grade, you will need to head to your nearest professional makeup retail supply store in order to purchase. Make sure that you
take the time to completely cleanse your skin after the night's festivities have ended. Start with a gentle cleanser to wash away the makeup as well as resulting oil and debris. You will also want to incorporate an exfoliant into your Halloween routine to make sure you are really getting a deep clean. Use of a masque after exfoliation is recommended to revitalize the skin and restore hydration. Finally, apply your nightly moisturizer and make sure you get plenty of sleep! You do not want to look tired the next day, bags under the eyes are not appealing. Last but not least, make sure to take LOTS of pictures and send them to us at for a chance to be featured on our blog! We would love to see just how creative our clients can get, and make sure to let us know how all of your Eminence skin products helped you care for your skin at the end of the night.

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