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Defining Rosacea | Understanding The Complex Terminology

by JJ Follano 30 Jan 2017 0 Comments
Defining Rosacea | Understanding The Complex Terminology

Medical and scientific communities have recently adopted modern, standard terminology for rosacea. However, older terms may still pop up from time to time and if you are one who suffers from this skin condition, it is important that you understand what those terms mean.

Celebrity makeup artist Sarah Jagger takes part in a Experience My Rosacea event in London, 20 April 2016. Rosacea was once considered an obscure and even rare disorder. However, the same disorder is now regarded as one of the most common skin conditions. There are approximately 16 million living in the United States alone that are currently affected by rosacea. Here is a breakdown of some of the older terminology for the disorder, still tossed around in medical offices on occasion. Acne Rosacea: Acne Rosacea is one of the oldest terms used to describe this painful skin condition. To no surprise, the term caused quite a bit of confusion, leading people to believe rosacea to be a form of adult acne. In reality, these two conditions couldn't be more different and are completely unrelated. You may still hear the term "Acne Rosacea" used to refer to the bumps and pimples commonly associated with papulopustular rosacea. Glandular Rosacea: Did you know that once upon a time this term was used to describe the painful, thickened skin of phymatous rosacea? The phrase was actually used as an implication of the assumed cause of the red, bumpy nose of rhinophyma (although not enough research has been conducted to link the two). calmskincollection_slide1_1Neurogenic Rosacea: Neurogenic Rosacea is actually a fairly new medical term that was coined by researchers investigating potential neurological pathways for developing rosacea. The use of the term may also correlate with the burning and stinging accompanying erythematotelangiectatic rosacea in many patients. Vascular Rosacea: Finally, Vascular Rosacea is a pretty self-explanatory term! This obsolete name was once applied to the redness and visible blood vessels associated with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea. Originally, the disorder was thought to have been vascular. Researchers subsequently determined that although the vascular system may be significantly involved, the underlying causes of rosacea appear to be far more complex. Research into the disorder is ongoing. If you struggle with Rosacea, we have a skin care line that is perfect for you. Our "Calm Skin" line soothes sensitive skin and Rosacea while minimizing associated inflammation and redness. For more information on the products available in this line, please click here. 

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