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Beauty Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make

by JJ Follano 28 Apr 2014 0 Comments
Beauty Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make
Simple beauty mistakes in your skin care routine might seem inconsequential. But these minor omissions could lead to blemishes, wrinkles and dark spots. It’s all unnecessary if you take just a few minutes to fix up your routine. For example, cleansing your face before bed avoids a slew of potential problems later on. Spend about two minutes each night using your normal cleansing routine before you go to sleep. This is enough to keep your skin looking young and fresh in the years ahead. If you forget about it, all that oil, dirt and leftover make-up goes to work on damaging your skin through the night. Don’t let one night go by without removing the debris on your face before bedtime. To make it easier, you can keep face wipes handy next to your bed in case you do forget your routine.

Exfoliate Right to Avoid Beauty Mistakes

Body WashPractice regular body scrubbing to exfoliate your skin and get rid of those dead skin cells. However, avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can harm your skin with irritation or redness that leads to more problems. Eminence skin care products often contain glycolic acid, a natural chemical that gently removes dead skin tissue for healthy skin renewal. Beauty mistakes don’t have to include your exfoliating routine. Try exfoliating about once or twice a week, which should be sufficient for bright, wrinkle-free skin that lasts a lifetime. Yam & Pumpkin Enzyme Peel 5% features glycolic acid, which also soothes and smoothes your skin. The lactic acid helps slough off dead skin cells to allow your skin to improve on its own. The vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and beta-carotene in yam and pumpkin pulp puree prevent skin damage to avoid early signs of aging. The peel has been getting rave reviews from Eminence customers for its ability to maintain clear and clean skin. It’s excellent for sensitive skin and has a wonderfully natural aroma that just makes you feel better and fresher. The deep hydration of the ingredients in the enzyme peel plumps up your skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Beauty Mistakes from the Sun

Of course, forgetting to protect your skin from the sun’s rays is one of the beauty mistakes that damage your skin for years to come. It’s sad, because it can be so easily remedied. Luckily, you have sun protection factor in many Eminence products, whether just a sunscreen or your routine cosmetics. What’s more, Eminence organics include substances that reverse the age-related damage caused by sun overexposure. Moisturizers with natural zinc oxide keep your skin hydrated while offering a shield against harmful rays.

Giving It Time Prevents Beauty Mistakes

Not giving a new skin care product enough time to work can also be a mistake. Although many Eminence products surprise new customers who see immediate results, you should still allow several weeks when using a new product or routine. Give your skin time to accept the change and it will give you a better idea of how to choose the best skin care routine for your skin. You need to make changes once in a while for one reason or another, but you can avoid the beauty mistakes you don’t have to make for an enhanced appearance.
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